Scientific Data Driver Download
- Scientific Data Driver Download Windows 10
- Scientific Data Driver Download Free
- Scientific Data Driver Download Windows 7
We encourage use of the ‘x‘ releases.The ‘x‘ release is the most recent release of a given major version.These releases have a number of bug fixes and features not present on earlier releases. Scientific DataSet (SDS) is a managed library for reading, writing and sharing array-oriented scientific data, such as time series, matrices, satellite or medical imagery, and multidimensional numerical grids. It features: Rich metadata to create self-descriptive data packages. Support for several common data formats, such as comma-separated values (CSV), network common data form (NetCDF),. USB Driver Updates. Need USB Driver Downloads for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and XP?If you are having problems with your USB not working, read the article below to help fix your USB problems.USB issues often, but not always, relate to drivers problems.
New SD2 Firmware - If you are using older version of the SD2 firmware, upgrade to the new version now for greater reliability. This new SD2 firmware 4062 has a completely revised CF card interface which will work properly and seamlessly with nearly all cards. It also corrects several minor bugs and implements improvements to power management, GPS interface, log file reporting and IO functionality. It introduces new remote-control capabilities.
SD1 Firmware - In order to load the SD1 Firmware onto your AnaBat SD1, you are also required to download the Picloadsoftware program (available for download under the Software section at top of the page).
GML1 Firmware - For instructions on upgrading modem firmware, please read the 'Updating GML1 Firmware' section in the GML1 User Manual (click to download) for your Anabat detector model. When upgrading the firmware, please select the correct Band option required for the country of use.
- - For USA and Canada, select 'Option D'
- - For all other countries, select 'Option A'

A brief description of Warrior Products:
The Warrior Well Logging System consists of a tool interface and power supply panel, a computer, a printer and optional depth, line speed, line weight panel, and perforating power supply. The software supports most cased hole logging tools from a wide selection of tool manufacturers. The tool interface panel contains the necessary circuits to interface to most cased hole tools, both analog and digital. The depth encoder and line weight interfaces are built into the panel, as is the down hole tool power supply. All functions are digitally controlled from the software, with the power supply having a manual control mode. The panel incorporates data acquisition functions primarily DSP based, that interface to the host computer through the industry standard Universal Serial Bus (USB).
Warrior Logging system
The Warrior Well Logging System employs advanced software and widely available hardware to provide a cost-effective solution to well logging requirements for open and cased hole applications in SRO, LWD and memory operations.
The Warrior logging system currently consists of the following components:
Computer – Laptop/Desktop – with monitor, keyboard, and mouse Tool Interface and Power Supply (CP/PA/OP/SLAB) Plotter (for hard copies) Shooting Panel (optional) Depth, Line Speed and Line Tension Panel (optional) UPS (optional)
Warrior Data Acquisition Software screen
Warrior software Release 8.0 is a third-generation 64 / 32-bit Unicode program. The Warrior software is a mature logging environment that stresses ease of use, wide versatility, with a true multi-tasking environment. This software can also be used from a computer to acquire real time data from oil well and to replay, recalculate and print logs from the raw data, distribute logs or imported data from other systems such as LAS or LIS data.
Warrior software runs on Windows Operating Systems (Currently Windows 7 32/64 bit, Windows 8 32/64 bit and Windows 10 32/64 bit).
Warrior Telemetry System
SDS has developed a simple, 'off-the-shelf' downhole telemetry system available for tool and sensor developers wanting to reduce development time and costs at the same time producing a Warrior Logging System compatable product.
Consisting of a telemetry board and optional downhole power supply, the half duplex telemetry is simple to configure and interface providing the developer with an uplink data rate currently ranging between 12 and 67 kbps and downlinks ranging from 1 to 5 kbps.
Latest News
December 15, 2020
Scientific Data Driver Download Windows 10
New December 11, 2020 Warrior 8 Software version P10V5 is now available for download. More Info.
November 20, 2019
New November 18, 2019 Warrior 8 Software version P10V4 is now available for download. More Info.
November 10, 2019
Scientific Data Driver Download Free
Updated Warrior 8 Field Operation Manual (FOM) is now available for download. More Info.
Scientific Data Driver Download Windows 7
October 09, 2017
We moved to the new building at 3401 Bacor Rd. Houston, TX 77084
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