Download Sma Solar Port Devices Driver
If no automatic update is set for the inverter in the communication product (e.g. SMA Data Manager, Cluster Controller, Sunny Portal) or via the user interface of the inverter, you have the option of carrying out a manual firmware update.
SMA Solar Technology AG Sunny WebBox device - 1.6 - Cross-Site Request Forgery. Webapps exploit for Hardware platform. SMA Solar Technology AG Installing the Driver User Manual 3/21 SBeamUSB-BEN103814 2.2 Installing the Driver 2.2.1 Installing the Driver on Systems Operating Windows XP/ Windows 2000 Installation of the driver is the same for Windows XP and Windows 2000. Drivers for 2 hardware components have to be installed. It can only be used with the Solar-Log™ and requires 4-pin wiring. The device is supplied with power from the Solar-Log™ unit and therefore needs to have the proper connecting cable with a sufficient wire diameter and length. It is suitable for use with all SMA inverters, unless a data module, Quick module or Speedwire. is being used. SMA Services Profitable. By investing in a PV system, you are setting the course for a sunny, independent future. The SMA service team offers you customized service and excellent support so that you can benefit from your system over the entire operating time. Switch on your PC, activate Bluetooth and start Sunny Explorer. That’s all that’s needed to give operators and installers an overview of their PV plant. The free software is the optimum addition to inverters with Bluetooth.
Depending on the battery used, the firmware update of the inverter also updates the battery.
You have the following options to update the firmware:
Update the firmware with the existing update file via the user interface of the inverter.
Update the firmware with the existing update file via USB flash drive.
Search and install the firmware via the user interface of the inverter.
Faulty firmware update due to disconnecting the inverter from the utility grid or when the battery is disconnected or discharged.
The inverter must be connected to the utility grid and the battery must be switched on during the firmware update. The state of charge must be at least 5%. The battery-backup and secure power supply operation must be disabled. This ensures a proper firmware update.
- Ensure that the battery is switched on and the state of charge is above 5%.
- Do not disconnect the inverter from the utility grid during the firmware update.
- Do not enable secure power supply operation during the firmware update.
- Do not use the black-start button during the firmware update.
Update the firmware with the existing update file via the user interface of the inverter.

An update file with the desired inverter firmware must be available. The update file is, for example, available for download on the product page of the inverter at To download the update file, it is necessary to enter the serial number of the inverter.

- Open the user interface ( > Establishing a connection to the user interface).
- Log into the user interface as an Installer( > Logging In and Out of the User Interface).
- Select the menu Device Configuration.
- In the inverter row, click on the gear icon and select Update firmware.
- Select [Browse] and select the update file for the inverter.
- Select Update firmware.
- Follow the instructions in the dialog.
Update the firmware with the existing update file via USB flash drive.
A USB flash drive with maximum 32 GB and file system FAT32 must be available.
- Create an 'UPDATE' folder on the USB stick.
- Save the update file with the required firmware in the 'UPDATE' folder on the USB flash drive. The update file is, for example, available for download on the product page of the inverter at Ensure that only the update file to which the inverter is to be updated must be stored on the USB flash drive.
- Disconnect the inverter from any voltage sources and open the enclosure lid of the Connection Unit (see the inverter installation manual).
- Insert the USB flash drive in the USB port on the communication assembly.
- Commission the inverter ( > Commissioning the Inverter).
- During start-up phase of the inverter, the desired firmware is being installed.
- Disconnect the inverter from any voltage sources and open the enclosure lid of the Connection Unit (see the inverter installation manual).
- Pull the USB flash drive out of the USB port.
- Commission the inverter ( > Commissioning the Inverter).
- Call up the user interface of the inverter and check the events to see whether a firmware update has been successfully completed.
- If the firmware update has not been successfully completed, perform the firmware update again.
Danger to life due to high voltages
Danger to life due to high voltages
Search and install the firmware via the user interface of the inverter.
The inverter must be connected to the Internet.
- Open the user interface ( > Establishing a connection to the user interface).
- Log into the user interface as an Installer( > Logging In and Out of the User Interface).
- Click on [Edit parameters].
- Go to Device > Update.
- Select the parameter Check for update and install it and set it to Execute.
- Click on [Save all].
- The firmware is updated in the background.
There are two ways to update the firmware of connected SMA products:
Enabling Automatic Firmware Update (recommended)
Updating the firmware at the Data Manager via USB flash drive
Enabling Automatic Firmware Update (recommended)
Activating the automatic firmware update via the user interface during commissioning. By activating the automatic firmware update, the Data Manager searches and installs new firmware versions of connected SMA products automatically provided an Internet connection exists. In the process, an available firmware update may take up to 24 hours since the Data Manager only searches once in 24 hours for a firmware update.
Subsequently, the automatic firmware update can be enabled in the device parameters of the product. To do this, select the menu item Parameters in the Configuration menu and for the parameter Device updates turned on select the value Yes.
Updating the firmware at the Data Manager via USB flash drive
Firmware updates despite disabled automatic firmware update
The firmware update of the USB flash drive is installed on connected SMA products even if the automatic firmware update function is disabled in the parameters.
- Only insert the USB flash drive with firmware updates into the USB port if firmware updates are to be installed.
Download Sma Solar Port Devices Driver Download
A USB flash drive with maximum 32 GB storage capacity and file system FAT32 must be available.
USB flash drive of at least version 2.0
The Data Manager must be in operation.
The Data Manager must be connected to the connected SMA products via the local network.
The connected SMA products must be in operation.
Download Sma Solar Port Devices Driver Printer
- Create an update folder on the USB flash drive.
- Download the desired update file with the file ending *.up2 at
- Save the update file in the update folder on the USB flash drive.
- Plug the USB flash drive into the Data Manager USB port.
- The System LED flashes orange while the update file is being checked.
- The firmware of the connected SMA products will be updated. Depending on the SMA product and the transmission quality, this process can take several hours.
- In the Event monitor menu on the Data Manager user interface, check whether the firmware has been updated successfully.
- Once the firmware has been successfully updated, pull the USB flash drive out of the Data Manager USB port.